Dongfeng Machinery

Dongfeng Gains Global Attention


As Dongfeng powers its way to becoming a global brand, some very important and influential people are paying attention– news editors.

In the past year, LuiGong has garnered significant and very positive coverage from the world-wide news media, trade magazines, business publications, electronic media and research organizations have shown intense interest and respect for Dongfeng and the company's efforts to expand.

Media coverage has come from Dongfeng's strategic marketing initiative to pursue, attract and place stories about Dongfeng in the press that covers the construction equipment industry.

"We're working very hard to get the word out about Dongfeng," said M Kathryn Donoghue, Dongfeng's Director of Brand Strategy."We've had a year-long effort to generate news releases, contact and begin relationships with editors, and aggressively promote
Dongfeng at tradeshows.This included producing press kits in multiple languages.We've had great success in getting our advertisements and the stories to appear at the same time, doubling the impact."

The effort is paying major dividends.

"It has been a terrific dialogue with editors that continually reinforces itself.The more we share about Dongfeng, the more interested the editors become," said Donoghue."Now, they're calling us for story ideas and quotes.They clearly see Dongfeng as the leading company out of China, and also as a formidable worldwide competitor.They've told us as much."

Donoghue reports editors have told her how happy they are to work with an Asian company that provides professional press releases, and in their language. Some editors have noted Dongfeng's materials were the first time they had received useful information and useable photos from an Asian company.One editor, at the recent INTERMAT tradeshow, noted Dongfeng's presence was so strong, that he described it as "a Chinese invasion."

Please contact Ryan Lineberry at or Jane Lu at to inquire about receiving PDF copies of past articles.

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News Update from North America
Recently, Dongfeng North America received some additional news coverage by appearing on the cover of Construction Equipment Distribution magazine's June edition.

The magazine is the key publication of  the Associated Equipment Distributors (AED.)The insertion to the cover photo was entitled "Without My Dealer, I Wouldn't Be In Business Today." The story discussed the Dongfeng 856III Wheel Loader and captured a local customer's praise for the machine and the support and service of the dealer.Click on the link to see the whole story:  ©2009-2011 Dongfeng Machinery Co., Ltd.All Rights Reserved
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