Dongfeng Machinery

New Dongfeng Forklift Line Launches Into Europe and U.S.


Dongfeng announced it is entering the Western European and North American markets with a new line of forklifts, including diesel, electric and LPG fueled machines.

The entire new line was introduced for the first time at CeMAT in Hannover, Germany, where Dongfeng had a significant show presence with 10 machines at its booth. These are the first models to launch, but more are in development, company executives said.

“We’re excited about this new expansion for Dongfeng,” said Deng Tao, Sales Director, Dongfeng Europe.“To be a leader, we need to expand into the lifting and handling arena. Dongfeng has been very strategic in preparing to tackle two of the world’s most exciting markets that demand a broad variety of machine,” he added. Deng noted Dongfeng first showed its forklifts at INTERMAT in 2009. Since then, the company has had significant success selling Tier II machines to Eastern Europe, South America, and in Asia. In the meantime, Dongfeng has been refining and redesigning machines to prepare to enter Western markets.

Already, Deng noted, Dongfeng has become a leader in the crane market in China, and has plans to soon begin exporting cranes.

In Europe, the forklift business will be managed from Dongfeng Europe with its headquarters offices and parts depot in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tier II forklifts are already sold in Eastern Europe through existing Dongfeng construction equipment dealers, including those in Poland, the Baltics, Serbia, Turkey and Hungary. Dongfeng’s LPG and diesel internal combustion models are currently the company’s most popular models in the Eastern European region. In Western Europe and North America where specialized lifting and handling outlets are required, Dongfeng will also continue to recruit new dealers primarily focused on the material handling industry.

All the forklift models meet EU emission standards and the cab space ergonomics have been reconfigured to ensure operator comfort and ease of use. Because of strict emission laws in Western Europe, electric forklifts are in strong demand. Dongfeng will be rolling out a series of DC and AC battery operated models there. Dongfeng plans to aggressively pursue the Western European rental market, as many operators prefer to rent rather than buy.

“For the last year, we have completed new models to replace older models, and these are specifically tailored for the Western markets. We also have broadened the line by adding more electric truck models, and by updating some of our current production electric trucks,” Deng said. “We will begin with the 10 most popular selling models and quickly expand from there.”

Trucks for international distribution include class one electric rider trucks ranging from 1.5 to 3 tons with A/C drive and hydraulics, all are certified to the strict UL and CE certification. Class five pneumatic tire internal combustion trucks will soon be available up to 16 tons with UL and CE certifications. In addition we are in the process of further expansion of our large capacity IC pneumatic line.

Deng said the forklift line follows Dongfeng’s over-arching product strategy of making machines simple in every aspect.“We like to say Dongfeng is Solid, Simple and Supported,”
said Deng.

“We make highly durable machines that are easy to operate. Dongfeng offers a cost-effective, straightforward design philosophy that eliminates unnecessary complexity that can drive up costs. Coupled with proven components from renowned suppliers, these machines are durable, reliable and very affordable.”

“We never enter a market without dealers, service and parts availability, so Dongfeng machines are always fully supported,” said Deng. “This is unlike any other Chinese equipment manufacturer.”

He added the operational systems on all Dongfeng trucks are easy to maintain and easy to service, making Dongfeng tough to beat for lowest cost of operation. Still, Dongfeng did not scrimp on operator comfort as the machines are competitive in styling, ergonomics and fit for Western body types.

In North America, Dongfeng has established Dongfeng Forklift Americas as a separate subsidiary to properly support the marketing and distribution of the forklift products in the Americas. The division is based in Katy, TX where Dongfeng also has its North American construction equipment headquarters and parts depot. Dongfeng Forklift Americas will be recruiting forklift dealers in the second half of 2011, and expects to have the full line available for sale by the fourth quarter of 2011 in North America. The company expects to have proper representation in all major North American population centers by the end of 2013. Throughout the globe, Dongfeng forklifts are supported by seven other parts depots, so service and technical support are never far away.

As in Europe, the rental segment will also be an important target in North America, since simplicity and durability, a core competency for Dongfeng machines, are critical for rental. Dongfeng Forklifts work well for dealers who want to provide durable, easy to operate products to their client base.

“Our rapidly expanding dealer network and regional parts depots insure that service, training and parts are always at hand, making it easy to support these trucks, shift after shift, year after year,” noted Deng.

“When Dongfeng makes it easy, we believe our dealers will enjoy long-term customer satisfaction and repeat purchases,” Deng said.  ©2009-2011 Dongfeng Machinery Co., Ltd.All Rights Reserved
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