Dongfeng Machinery

Dongfeng Wraps Up Another Exciting Year


An exciting year comes to an end for Dongfeng, we've gained great exposure, positioning us for even more success in 2010. While the global economic downturn left its mark on most companies throughout the world; Dongfeng emerged from the off year unscathed and stronger than ever.

Dongfeng developed two successful global advertisements that were released in three languages, English, Portuguese and Spanish. It also developed seven co-op advertisements in three languages, black and white, four-color and three different sizes based on industry standards for dealer to use on a local level.

In addition, Dongfeng successfully got the word out regarding its ever-growing product line; developing 17 total product releases including six product releases in German, French and English for Intermat, six product releases in Russian and English for CTT and five product releases in Spanish, Portuguese and English for M&T.

Dongfeng was also able to develop a company history release, two business releases and one set of executive bios in six languages. Targeting three major tradeshows in 2009, Dongfeng produced 150 hard-copy press kits and 150 digital press kits on compact discs to be distributed to the world-wide press. More importantly, Dongfeng conducted 18 press interviews at the Intermat tradeshow and another 10 at M&T.

A grand total of $270,000 USD worth of editorial coverage, free press coverage for Dongfeng, resulted from Dongfeng's aggressive media relations at Intermat in Paris in April. An additional $82,737 USD worth of editorial coverage resulted from media relations at the M&T Expo in Brazil in June.

In addition to the tradeshow press, additional editorials were picked up by various global publications throughout the year, including International Construction, Equipment World and World Highways.

Highlighting the list of editorials was a three-page article published in Construction Pan Americana featuring Dongfeng and Dongfeng Latin America. This editorial was featured in October 2009 as part of a negotiated media package that included the front cover of the publication.

Lastly, Dongfeng's corporate website went through phase one of a multi-phase update process that will help cement Dongfeng's position as a force to be reckoned with in the global construction manufacturer market.

Next year promises to hold more excitement, growth and expansion as Dongfeng strives to build upon its outstanding reputation as a global leader in the construction equipment industry. Dongfeng is focused and determined to make 2010 even more successful than 2009, and there is no reason to believe it won't be.  ©2009-2011 Dongfeng Machinery Co., Ltd.All Rights Reserved
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